Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Temple of Oheb Shalom

In Bolton Hill there are many beautiful bulidings and landscape features. But as one searches deeper and reads the signs on the building you see or get a glimse of important piece of history. I have a uncle that is a mason which made my grand mother a eastern star. But what are the orgins of mason and what is the original founder lingered in the back of my mind.
Good questions come to those that wait. I took a walk down eutaw street to take some pictures of the creative foundation of the homes. On the near corner as you start the walk there is the Temple of Oheb Shalom. A Jewish temple that was purchase by mason. Infact the first African American named, Prince Hall. Mr Hall has been recognized as the Father of Black Masonry in the United States. Makin visions possible for African Americans to be recognized and enjoy all privileges of free and accepted masonry. In the late 1770’s many black men were not allowed to join organizations. But the Master of the Lodge in Baltimore was Sergeant John Batt. Mr. Batt saw in Hall something different from others. And took him under his tolage.

Rumors surrounding were and when his ogirinal birth place is located is between Barbados to the British West Indies. His father was an Anglo-Saxon and his mother a freed slave.

Let it be know that along with Prince Hall, there were other newly made masons to join the lodge, "Cyrus Johnson, Bueston Slinger, Prince Rees, John Canton, Peter Freeman, Benjamin Tiler, Duff Ruform, Thomas Santerson, Prince Rayden, Cato Spain, Boston Smith, Peter Best, Forten Howard and Richard Titley."
As history shows a war broke out, many black men or negros joined the military. Prince Hall was presumed to pressed John Hancock to be allowed to join the Continental Army and became one of a few blacks fought at the battle Bunker Hill. From the site is religiously motivated in in ministry and later became a minister in the African Methodist Episcopal Church in Cambridge and fought for the end of slavery. This seem to be the relationship for ministers because they were able to speack to large groups and seen as leaders.

A warrant or doucmentation needed to be sent to England if a group wanted to be noticed as equal to other lodges. From the site on Prince Hall a warrant was granted on September 29, 1784 under the name of African Lodge, # 459 on the register of the Grand Lodge of England by authority of then Grand Master, the Duke of Cumberland, delivered in Boston on April 29, 1787 by Captain James Scott, brother-in-law of John Hancock and Master of the Neptune.
We think of John key Scott as writing the star spangel banner and John hancook as signing the declaration of inderpendce, but a messengers or other key aspect they aided Prince Hall in becoming what today as we know it the first Master of the lodge which was organized one week later, May 6, 1787.

Today, the Prince Hall fraternity has over 4,500 lodges worldwide, forming 44 independent jurisdictions with a membership of over 300,000 masons whereby any good hearted man who is worthy and well qualified, can seek more light in masonry. Quite sure this number has grown and not as advertised.



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